
Conference themes

Themes for paper submission

Theme 1 – Curricula: Undergraduate, (Post)Graduate, Doctoral

The description of specific geotechnical modules, courses, programs at any level is in essence a case study in education.

Theme 2Coursework: Laboratory, Field, Project-based, Numerical Methods

The description of how we organize any type of coursework is also a case study in education.

Theme 3 – Open Resource Educational Material

This theme deals with Transferable Educational Material or Reusable Objects (these two terms are used as synonyms) that are developed to be sharable.

Theme 4 – Applications of ICT Tools

Applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to geotechnical engineering instruction: for papers with significant emphasis on the technology that do not qualify for Theme 3.

Theme 5 – Links to Research on Learning and on Engineering Education

Evidence-based instructional interventions, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (action-based research, where professors investigate the learning in their own classrooms in a scholarly fashion), applications of learning theories to the teaching of geotechnical engineering concepts.

Topical themes for paper submission and potential dedicated session

Priority Theme 1 – Teaching of Unsaturated soils

GEE 2025 invites papers targeting non-specialist soil mechanics instructors who would be interested in presenting in their introductory geotechnical courses some elements of unsaturated soil mechanics, provided they are aware of the main issues and they understand them well. Papers on teaching unsaturated soils as specialty undergraduate courses are also of interest.

Priority Theme 2 – Use of numerical modelling to support teaching

GEE 2025 invites papers showing with examples what numerical modeling can offer to geotechnical engineering education and in particular for the production of educational materials suitable for introductory soils courses.  Papers on teaching numerical methods for geotechnical courses as specialty undergraduate courses are also of interest.

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